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Showing posts from April, 2023

Few Words and sentences you believe wouldn't exist

Language is a powerful tool that allows us to communicate and express ourselves in unique and creative ways. English, in particular, is a rich and diverse language with a vast vocabulary and countless idioms and expressions. With the right words and phrases, you can amaze your friends and leave a lasting impression. In this blog post, we’ll explore five cool English sentences that are sure to impress. These sentences are not only fun to say, but they also showcase the beauty and complexity of the English language. Whether you’re a native speaker looking to expand your vocabulary or an English learner seeking to improve your language skills, these sentences are sure to delight and amaze. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover some of the coolest sentences in the English language. Let’s get started! 1. As someone who is quite sesquipedalian, I make it my mission to use loads of long words in all my conversations. 2. Any hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobics are going to really hate

Math magic: Tricks to Amaze your Friends

  Mathematics is often seen as a complex and challenging subject, but it can also be full of surprises and wonders. In this blog post, we will explore some amazing math tricks that will not only simplify calculations but also amaze your friends and family. From quick multiplication to easy divisibility rules, these tricks will make math more fun and accessible. So get ready to unleash your inner mathematician and discover the magic of numbers! 1. The magical number is 2. Always!! Are you ready for some math magic? Here’s a trick that will always give you the answer 2. First, think of any number. Got it? Now, multiply that number by 3. Add 6 to the result. Divide this new number by 3. Finally, subtract the original number you thought of from the answer you just got. And voila! The answer is always 2. Try it out with different numbers and see for yourself! Example: Step 1:  N umber  7 Step 2: 7×3 = 21 Step 3: 21+6 = 27 Step 4: 27/3 = 9 Step 5: 9-7= 2

Mnemonics for Remembering Cranial Nerves

The cranial nerves are a set of twelve nerves that emerge directly from the brain and control various functions in the body. These nerves play a vital role in transmitting information between the brain and different parts of the body, including the face, head, and neck. Given the complexity and importance of these nerves, it can be challenging to remember their names and functions. This is where mnemonics come in handy. Mnemonics are memory aids that help us remember information by associating it with a familiar word or phrase. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most popular mnemonics used to memorize the names and functions of the cranial nerves, making it easier for you to remember them in your studies or clinical practice. Cranial Nerves Name Mnemonics Functional Mnemonics  1 Olfactory Oh Sensory Se 2 Optic Oh Sensory Se 3 Occulomotor Oh Motor Mo 4 Trochear To Motor Mo 5 Trigeminal Touch Mixed Mi 6 Abducens And Motor Mo 7 Facial Feel Mixed Mi 8 Vestibulocochlear Ver


